Seismograf · leon clowes: Secrets Keep Us Sick but Pop Music Brings Us Closer
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Four Days

Project type

Spoken word performance, film and written text


June 2024, October 2022, October and June 2021, April 2019


Hoxton Hall / LIFT Festival (London), Frieze Art Fair (London), Emergency Festival (Manchester), SPILL Festival (Ipswich), St John’s Church Deptford (London), Arvon Foundation (Hebden Bridge)

This short story is based on the last days of my mother's life. She found, after 42 torturous years, the strength to reveal the terrible secret of my father's identity.

This moment, in June 2013, was the spark that eventually led to the beginning of my re-engagement with creative practice, and the realization of my long-held faulty ways of coping via addictions to alcohol, drugs, sex, co-dependency, sugar and drama.

I began writing this at Arvon Foundation in 2019, and have since performed this in numerous settings including Frieze Art Fair, Snape, Deptford X and SPILL festivals.

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